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Image by Dean


The showcase below is a variety of topics I explored in the MAET program. 

Graduate Work

Below are assignments I explored, researched, and completed during the the last couple years of my Master's program. These assignments greatly enhanced my teaching abilities by pushing my thinking and impacting my professional development.


There are 8 separate artifacts used to showcase my experience at MSU during the MAET program. The top row demonstrates more cumulative thinking. These projects required a lot of time and research. More importantly, it helped me dive deeper into the world of teaching by discussing current situations that are occurring in my classroom or classrooms around the world.


The second row highlights the importance of questioning and critical thinking and how to incorporate TPACK into our daily lives and classrooms.  


Click on the "read more" each section to discover more information on each topic. 

Maker Movement Project

On this page you will find information regarding the Maker movement, my personal experience with creating an activity for the Maker movement, and resources available to use for anyone interested. This inspired me to develop ways to be a project based teacher and I hope it helps you too!

Wicked Problem

Here you will find a collection of information regarding The Achievement Gap that is an ongoing problem in schools. I have supplied many possible options to solve the issue. This  personally affects the lives of my students, so it is something that I truly care about. 



Here you will find two podcasts that the MSU cohort in Galway, Ireland created about ethics in technology and social implications of technology. We discussed how our daily lives are affected by our daily actions. We now know better practices when teaching and learning. 

Problem of Practice

Here you will learn about the struggles I have had with teaching analytical essay writing to students. I have supplied potential solutions to help other struggling teachers with teaching effective analysis. 


Here you will find information on how to integrate technology into the classroom while keeping in mind the context and context of one's school while also focusing on which pedagogical approach best suites the learning environment.


Throughout the duration of my MAET program, I read a multitude of readings that inspired me to create in a blog regarding different perspectives of learning and technology resources. Here you can find six educational blogs. My favorite concept is the importance of questioning because it greatly increases critical thinking.

LEsson PLan

On this page you will find a detailed description of an assignment I had my 11th grade students complete. It incorporates the use of technology, content knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge. It was an engaging, effective lesson! It taught multiple literary techniques while incorporating the use of present day platforms to make connections across learning.


Here you can review  many activities that had to be completed in a limited amount of time that helped push my thinking as a creator. It inspired me to come up with "quickfires" for my students in my classroom. The limited amount of time adds pressure and ensures students have to critically think on the spot!

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