Google Apps
Drive I have had a lot of experience with losing documents due to a computer crashing, so this is an extremely important resource to have as an individual, educator, and student. It's also nice to access everything you do from any device in any city! I have accessed my documents in Asia without having my laptop with me. This is also a huge benefit when it comes to group work in the classroom. When students work in groups, they are able to easily share documents with each other. Do you know what that means? No more, "I can't work on it because it was under my partner's login." Hooray! On Google Drive there are many other resources you can use and a lot of them are listed below. One downside is losing the format when you upload from Microsoft Word.
Gmail Throughout the last several years of teaching, I have realized that many students do not know how to properly send an email. They often leave out a "subject" and do not have an appropriate salutation or signature. Gmail is a great resource to use to help students become literate in sending emails.
Docs This app is like Microsoft Word. However, it is accessible on any device at any time. I believe it is important for students to be college prepared when it come to writing essays, so I have students use Google Docs to write and format them. I am able to leave comments on their document, which gives students the ability to take the feedback and edit their essays. Once again, it doesn't transfer perfect to Word.
Slides Sometimes students are required to give mini presentations and Google Slides is a way to do this!
Forms This is an easy way to create a survey! Google Forms is a way to engage a classroom with a research project or writing assignment. A negative aspect is limited design customization.
Classroom Google Classroom is by my favorite. I can post Google Slides, documents, images, PDFs, etc to help students complete the assigned task. I am able to leave a grade in Google Classroom for students. Students are also able to access this from home, but only if IT at school has given that permission. That was a struggle I found out after an project was assigned. It was definitely an inconvenience.
YouTube This resource is often viewed as non-educational or specifically for music. However, YouTube has a surplus amount of information available. It can also be used to share a collaborative video project. Unfortunately there are also a lot of noneducational resources on YouTube that can become distracting.
Popplet Creates a mindmap with the ability to insert photos. It doesn't permit much editing. The interface can feel cluttered. The app also offers less than the website.
Mindmeister Creates a mindmap with easy directions. You are able to edit colors, bubbles, font, etc. at ease. It took some time to figure out how to insert images and the sizing can be pretty small.
Sticky Notes
Lino This is an interactive sticky notes website. Many students can be logged in and add their thoughts to the page at the same time. However, the sticky notes can get a little overcrowded which becomes confusing for students interacting with it.
Padlet This is another interactive bulletin board website that is good to use for a multitude of assignments. Students are able to comment on questions, brainstorm topics, further develop their work, and teachers can use it to pose a question for exit tickets. Unfortunately there is a limitation on how many free Padlets you can create.
Infogram This website appears to specialize in graphs. However, it is also used to create project and infograms, maps, etc. A downfall- there is a limit on how many free projects you can make.
Pikotochart This resource offers the option to create an infographic, presentation, or printable. There are many templets available, but it can be a bit overwhelming. Unfortunately, you are not able to download your infographic for free.
Meme Generator
Imgflip is very simple to use. You choose a meme and then you write in the text box. Downloading required a paid version, so I took a screenshot.
MakeaGif is also a useful tool, but it wasn't designed in a way that is as user friendly as Imgflip. However, it did specialize in adding your own pics.
Word Clouds
Wordle Creates a visual representation of analyzed words that you select to enter on the website. However, I was not able to use Wordle because my Java was not up to date.
​ WordArt Creates a cloud of words. I preferred this website because it easy to enter words, change the font color and size, and change the shape of the cloud. You are also able to download it, but it doesn't download in HD quality.
Video Creator
Animoto is a video editing tool. I created a video using photos on it. I easily changed the duration of each photo and the photo order. I also was able to add a song behind it. Unfortunately, unless you pay for the premium, there is a watermark diagonally across the top and bottom that reads "Animoto Trial." It doesn't block the images though.
Voicethread is a good tool to use to record your voice over. However, I struggled with figuring out how to do it unless I clicked "comment" and recorded as a clicked through pictures.
Website Builder
Wix is a website builder that permits you to add your own photos, pick a theme, change font including size and color, easily links websites, and offers a lot of amenities for free. However, the url is not a simple one unless you want to pay form, and I can't figure out how to link something to a specific area on the same page. This portfolio uses Wix.
Weebly is a website builder that has the same positive qualities as Wix. However, it limits the amount of people to one who are able to edit a specific page at the same time.
​ Wordpress is a website builder that everyone can edit at the same time. However, it sets a lot of limitations like being unable to change the font unless you are the owner.
Quick Interactive Assessments
Socrative This website is available on an app or a website. Teachers can assess through the use of quizzes, multiple choice questions, true/false questions, exit tickets, and a space race. A space race randomly or selectively chooses groups to work on a timed assignment. Unfortunately, not all students have a device so that can cause a limitation. It also only allows 50 students to use it at a time.
FlipGrid An app or website that involves video discussion amongst students and teacher. This app increases engagement through video, however, not all students have access to a device. The format is not the greatest when recording skits.
Kahoot An app or website that assesses students in a quick timed question. Kahoot has a lot of amazing tests already created. Once again, not all students have access to a device and some schools do not permit cell phone use.
Plickers The best thing about Plickers is that you only need to print an answer document once for your students. You can have them glue it into their notebooks or something they use or have access to daily. The teacher then uses his or her phone to scan the room of the images. Results are immediate. The image students have all look different from each other, so students are not able to look around the room to figure out the answer. Each side has a different multiple choice response. Hold the letter up on top that you believe is the answer. Students often lose things, so this can interfere with results.
Poll Everywhere Using a cellphone or website, students are able to quickly respond to a question. Results are immediate and displayed on the board when the teacher ends the poll. There is an unlimited amount of free polls permitted, but unfortunately only up to 25 responses per poll.
Project Creators
Prezi is similar to PowerPoint or Google Slides, but the aesthetics are nicer and it's more engaging. There are many templets to choose from. There is a bit of a learning curve, especially if you are used to PowerPoint. Also, it is web-based, so if the internet is weak it can cause issues.
Book Creator Students are able to create comics, books, digital portfolios, journals and other creative writing projects.
Autodraw This is a website than can make anyone an artist. With a stylist, finger, or mouse movement, you are able to create a drawing. Once the image is done, Autodraw gives you options at the top of the screen. Students become more confident on an assignment that requires drawing. I know I cannot wait to use it when I have my 11th graders create political cartoons. They will be able to put more meaning into the image than effort into drawing. Using a mouse is more challenging than using a stylus.