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What does the future hold?

As an educator, learning never stops. I am motivated to stay open-minded on my constant pursuit to learn and do more so my students can continue to be critically challenged in my classroom. I have continued to pursue my education in the MAET program so I can be more well informed in the world of technology. Previous to this program, I lacked a lot knowledge with how to connect technology, pedagogy, context, and content within my classroom. Even though my learning at University is coming to an end, I am going to continue to develop my knowledge and understanding of how to incorporate technology within a classroom by setting some goals. I have a goal to become better at integrating technology into my classroom. Once I have achieved that goal,  I would like to become an Educational Technology Leader where I can help assist other teachers with integrating technology into their classrooms. And lastly, I would like to find a way to assist special education students and students with disabilities through the use of technology. 

Goal #1: Technology Integration

Considering technology is constantly changing, it is important to stay up-to-date on available resources. In order to stay inspired, I am going to subscribe to newsletters, forums, and other resources I come across that can help me stay motivated. I found a website called Ed Tech Teacher. Their mission is “to create relationships with educators to support their quest to enrich student learning experiences through emerging technologies and innovative models of classroom instruction.” I want students to learn from a multitude of facets and this website’s goal aligns with mine. I also would like to become better at using social media as a learning platform. I plan on following more educational Twitter accounts. For example, I found a page called EdTechTeam, inc. The account posts frequent ways on how to keep creativity within the classroom through the use of technology.

Goal #2: Ed Tech Leader

I am driven to become an educational technology leader within my school. Once I achieve my first goal with wanting to incorporate more technology within my classroom, I will be on a path to lead other teachers. Currently there is no educational technology leader at my school. I would like to continue my learning with the help of organizations, so I can become the person to lead a technology program. The first step is to continue to learn about technology resources, which I can pursue through my first goal. The second step is to become engaged in organizations like the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). ISTE has standards that can help guide my learning and focus. The organization also has events and webinars to promote educational leading, which will help set me up for success. Along with ISTE, I would also like to attend a Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) conference. MACUL promotes leadership by supplying educators with information and resources connected to educational technology. The non-profit organization utilizes educational professionals to inspire other educational professionals. I would like to attend the conference to learn more and potentially I could become a person to facilitate part of it. 

Goal #3: Technology to Support Diverse Learners

Lastly, I would like to support special education students and students with disabilities through the use of technology. There are many programs available that can help students with different learning needs. For example, the Michigan Dyslexia Institute supplies people with resources and training with how to help students in the classroom who are dyslexic. Another organization that is beneficial for learning about how to help students with disabilities is the National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET). The organization supplies educators with a surplus of information on vast amount of different learning disabilities. Project IDEAL (Informing and Designing Education for all Learners) is also a beneficial resource to help teachers determine how to teach in different styles and how to manage a classroom in certain situations. 


My overall goal is to incorporate technology into my classroom. In order to do this, I must stay well-informed with changes in technology and apps, so I can find ways to incorporate them into my teaching. Because I teach many diverse learners, I want to put a large focus on using technology to accommodate their varying needs. Once I feel like I have partially accomplished these goals, I would like to become a leader in the ed-tech world.

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